Watercolor Brushes


Introducing WATERCOLOR BRUSHES - Our greatest achievement, 8 years in the making. This is it folks! perfect watercolor in Procreate. This is truly a comprehensive and intuitive set of watercolor brushes developed for Procreate! 

Behaves like real watercolor! Press harder to apply more pigment, or a lighter touch for a more watery stroke that picks up colors underneath. You can even tilt the brush to blend out hard edges, without even lifting the pen!

  • No stamp brushes.
  • No complicated instructions.

Only a small handful of easy-to-use brushes, jam-packed with features that allow you to move pigment around and mix colors in real time. Other watercolor brush packs require the use of dozens (even hundreds) of confusing brushes that require way too much learning. We've worked extra hard to program tons of natural behavior and versatility into these brushes so you can worry less about the tools and more about your art! Works great with our Handmade Papers!


WATERCOLOR BRUSHES Includes 12 PREMIUM Watercolor Brushes:

  • Small Round: This is a very classic, simple, soft painterly watercolor brush. Wet edges flow together, allowing you to blend very easily, perfect for simple watercolor coloring! Sometimes you just want a simplistic brush, and this is it.
  • Liquify: This brush is mostly intended to be used to add a gentle "washed out" effect, which takes guts but yields great results! Sample a local pigment color, and gently brush through an area to let the colors run together in a very watery effect.
  • Wet Soft: A bit stronger pigment, feels more "wet", and strokes mix together a bit more automatically with this one. Great for loosening up an area and tying together.
  • Wet Hard Edge: Similar to Wet Soft, but with one side that has a bit of a harder jagged edge to it, great for contrast.
  • Round Glaze: A round brush with very defined edges, it does mix pigment together but generally lays more "on top" even on the same layer. Has that characteristic dark edge you get with watercolor marks.
  • Shaper Shader Glaze: This brush lets you design shapes with a glazed look and put down dry marks, we found essential for a well rounded and complete watercolor set - This one is generally how I like to start and roughly block in my shapes, or with Edge Shaper.
  • Edge Shaper: You can also design shapes with this brush, and completely opaque. My favorite way to use this is to set it to white and carve away edges of shapes to define them better.
  • Watercolor Gold Round: An alternative version to the next brush, with a slightly unique shape for variety.
  • Watercolor Gold: This is halfway between the wet brushes and dry ones - not too wet, not too dry, but a good mix of both that makes for a super dynamic brush, hence why we gave it "Gold" in the name!
  • Huge Mop: Like the name says this is a one you grab for doing big large washes, particularly for backgrounds.
  • WC Paper (white On Top Layer): This is a paper grain brush, very helpful for "bringing it all together"! If you find spots looking a little flat, set your color to white and color them in on a new top layer just for paper grain texture. 
  • Bonus Pencil brush!


Some general tips for these brushes:

  • These brushes will look best with a paper texture as the top layer set to "multiply" blend mode. This allows you to paint "flat" on many layers without having to worry about each layer's blend mode. 
  • For many of the brushes, I find it helpful to press harder in some spots and lighter in others to get a nice dynamic look. If the edges start to look too hard, often you can simply lift the pressure a little and wash the edges out.
  • The colors will blend together on the same layer, but for a "glazed" look, add a new layer and set it to "multiply" blend mode. Or you can use a brush that has the word glaze in it, on the same layer.
  • An authentic watercolor look is all about feeling "loose". Go crazy! Let the colors fly. Let there be some hard edges and some soft. The greatest realism comes from mixing and combining brushes - for example, you could put down a general shape with "Watercolor Gold Round", and then wash out the edges with the "Wet Soft" brush, and then sculpt the edges back with "Edge Shaper" set to white.

Procreate 5 is here, and its amazing! You can now install a LOT of brushes at once using the new Files app in iOS 11. We recommend backing up your purchase using an iCloud account (its free), or syncing them to Files with iTunes. 

First things first... USE SAFARI on iPad!

Also make sure you open the link in the full Safari app (it must be Safari, no other browser will work), as the side-loaded one that gmail/other email apps use won’t work.

Note: Brush files end in *.brushset 

Once you click the file name/download button, a blue arrow in a circle should appear in the top right corner of Safari. This is the "downloads" area. Tap this icon and you should see your download appear in a list like so:

Simply tap the file and it should automatically open in Procreate. Depending on if you've performed this before, it may ask you what you want to do with the file after tapping it, in which case you would simply find the Procreate icon and send it there. 

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